10 April 2011


So, I guess I'll make this my first ever blog post. I've been thinking about blogging for a while, but never got around to starting. Might as well start now.

Don't expect much, much order that is. I'll just write on whatever. Expect much ranting though. I like to ramble. Hope you're okay with it. I'll see if I can get a half-decent labeling scheme going.

For instance, in the next post I might rant about Civilization V. In this post, I'll beat a bleached skeleton of a dead horse and whine about a rather irritating internet meme: First.

Poor horsy.

It's been around for a very long time. As far back as Ye Olde UseNette Timese, douchebags have gotten it into their heads that a competition is underway, and somehow posting the first reply to a thread is an accomplishment worthy of boast. You still see it around, though. Back in the day people from that gigantic, slobbering crowd, the Youtube Commenter Hivemind used to do it, though I guess either they don't, or those videos I watch which don't have hundreds of comments are too obscure for such folks. You see them on the less well-moderated blogs. Some of the less socially involved forums.

Why do people do it? Doesn’t anyone, anyone at all in this apparently far-larger-than-it-needs-to-be demographic ever stop and think, “well gee, it’s all a matter of luck and happening to be there just when the original thread was posted. It’s like bragging about how you once rolled a die and it was 4 or something. It’s like... really dumb.” And of course if you actually influenced your success, by refreshing the page constantly to catch the new thread or something, well... Sure that thought doesn’t apply, but it’s hardly anything to brag about either.

Quite the contrary.

It’s not like they’re not anonymous either, nobody will ever remember and respect them for years for that sick first post they made. No one even cares the minute they make it! Ever seen anyone reply positively to a serious first post?

So yeah. I just... I dunno man. This shit wore me down. I think I’m gonna just leave it and end the post here. Hmph.

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